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Retrospection of Solar Air: Conditioning Systems

Sarah Madiha


In a vibrant country like India where the population growth rate is increasing every decade, there is a growing need for saving energy by the human society, and depletion of conventional energy sources demands a renewable, safe, infinite, cost effective and infinite energy source. One of the most suitable ways to solve the foreseeable world’s energy crisis is to use the power of the sun which is naturally available to us. Solar energy is one of the most accessible forms of energy on the earth’s surface. The air conditioning is one of the most desirable fields for the application of solar energy because of the climatic conditions of the country which is the availability of maximum solar radiation during summer season when there is maximum need of cooling. This research focusses on the need for the development of new air conditioning technology. A Solar air conditioning system comprises of components and equipment arranged in sequential order to humidify or dehumidify, heat or cool, attenuate objectionable equipment noise, clean and purify, control and maintain an indoor, transport the conditioned outdoor air and recirculate air to the conditioned space or enclosed environment at optimum energy use

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Harsh Khemani, Mechanical Engineering, HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Lithium Bromide Absorption Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Chillers System.



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