Cities’ Identity through Planning and Its Architecture – Copenhagen First Smart Cyclic City

jemish bhanubhai lathiya


Cycling (Smart and Green Mode of Transport) is essential role for a sustainable city. The environmental qualities which facilitate to people determine a Cycling sense of comfort. This case study focuses on Design & planning (Cycle friendly cities, safety parameter) of urban areas in the city of Copenhagen. The objective of this study is to determine satisfaction of comfort based on their walking experience. The findings indicated that most of the respondents were highly satisfied with the level of comfort particularly in terms of cycling facilities provided.

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“Good, Better, Best”, The City of Copenhagen’s Bicycle Strategy 2011-2025, The Technical & Environmental Administration.

“City of Copenhagen”, Municipal Plan 2015.

“Cycle Policy”, City of Copenhagen.

“Climate Plan-2025”, City of Copenhagen.

“Copenhagen official website”.



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