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A New Way Thinking –storm Water Management

Ar. Muskaan Singh, Divya Pandey, Abhishek Baidya


The essential importance of improved stormwater management for urban areas, irrigation, industrial, residential, and livestock consumption on a worldwide scale cannot be overstated. In addition to going through the several ways to reuse and treat storm water. This study also emphasizes the
utilization of modern storm water reuse technology to decrease the water deficit. Urban runoff volumes and flow maxima are projected to rise in the future because to the impacts of climate change on rainfall and increasing development. Actionable planning estimates that take these repercussions
into account are necessary to determine the requirement for stormwater management infrastructure and to lessen impacts on ecosystem services. This article's objective is to list challenges and opportunities for the advancement of urban stormwater management strategies. Raingardens,
permeable pavements, bioretention, subterranean structures, and sand filters are just a few of the significant and widely used methods for controlling urban storm water that are discussed. These technologies are being used more often in metropolitan areas throughout several European countries.

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