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Assessing the Connection and Relatability between Urban Planning and Public Health: How Public Health System can be Improved Through Healthy Urban Planning Practices

Tanvir Ahmad


Urban Planning as a unique profession originated in the early 1900s in response to the health concerns that arose around the industrial revolution, including overcrowding, water, air and noise pollution. In the 21st century, urban planning decisions can either contribute to growing levels of obesity and overweight or assist to avert lifestyle related diseases through facilitating physical activity and positive mental health by ensuring healthy and planned development activities. The way cities and neighborhoods are designed affects whether or not it is easy for people to walk, cycle, to participate in active recreation or use public transport, and to interact with neighbors and other community members: all activities that contribute to lifelong health and well-being. This research provides an overview of how urban built environments and planning decisions impact on people’s physical and mental health. This research also investigates thorough designing tools and methodologies that can assist raise public health effects on land use and planning. This perceptive will assist urban planners and health professionals in identifying and ameliorating potential adverse well-being outcomes of different urban policies and proposals for varying scales of development.

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