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Architectural Juggernaut: Decoding the Marvel

Vismaya Vinod Nair


The study's goal is to utilise natural systems, structures, and procedures to create long-term answers to social challenges. The Renaissance incorporated anthropometry into architecture, elevating man's social standing. A variety of variables influence these trends, including technical improvements, environmental concerns, cultural and sociological shifts, and changing client and user needs. These evolutions resulted in the terms "sustainable architecture" and "biomimicry," which essentially means "to imitate living things." It is a novel methodology that derives its inspiration and ideas from nature. To judge the extensive architectural overreach of our times, one must look back at the cultural history of many architectural styles. Environmental efficiency entails making the best use of resources while minimising waste. A detailed analysis is carried out to establish the efficiency by generating sustainable design solutions based on an understanding of the role of bio mimicry in construction. Bio mimicry has been found to inspire new inventions in all potential areas of sustainability and dependability. Bio mimicry is an innovative method that blends cost effectiveness with long-term viability. This is now a proactive strategy to bettering the built environment's sustainability. As a result, building efficiency in terms of cost, energy demand, and design is feasible.

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